Cara Membuat Program Stok Barang Dengan Excel

Codeigniter CRUD Generator 1.4 by # About: Codeigniter CRUD Generator is a simple tool to auto generate model, controller and view from your table. This tool will boost your writing code. This CRUD generator will make a complete CRUD operation, pagination, search, form*, form validation, export to excel and export to word. This CRUD Generator using bootstrap 3 style.

You still need to modify the result code for more customization. *generate textarea and text input only Please visit and like for more info and PHP tutorials. Preparation before using this CRUD Generator (Important): • On application/config/autoload.php, load database library, session library and url helper. • On application/config/config.php, set $config['base_url'] = ', $config['index_page'] = ', $config['url_suffix'] = '.html' and $config['encryption_key'] = 'randomstring' • On application/config/database.php, set hostname, username, password and database How to use this CRUD Generator: • Simply put 'harviacode' folder, 'asset' folder and.htaccess file into your project root folder. • Select table and push generate button. OR watch video on FAQ: • Select table show no data.

Make sure you have correct database configuration on application/config/database.php and load database library on autoload. • Error chmod on mac and linux.

We went there in the sunny morning and hoped no rain during camping. Soal try out smp bahasa inggris. On the first day, we sat up the tent on the spot near waterfall.

Cara Membuat Program Stok Barang Dengan ExcelBarang

Please change your application folder and harviacode folder chmod to 777 • Error 404 when click Create, Read, Update, Delete or Next Page. Make sure your mod_rewrite is active and you can access. The problem is on htaccess. Still have problem? Please go to google and search how to remove index.php codeigniter. • Error cannot Read, Update, Delete. Make sure your table have primary key.

Philippine science high school entrance exam reviewer. Pada artikel kali ini admin akan memberikan contoh latihan yaitu membuat Aplikasi Stok Barang Rumus Excel. Mudah-mudahan aplikasi/format ini bermanfaat untuk sobat-sobat yang membutuhkannya. Mudah-mudahan aplikasi/format ini bermanfaat untuk sobat-sobat yang membutuhkannya. Membuat Aplikasi Input Barang Sederhana Dengan Ms. Excel ~ Sudah kita kethaui bahwa microsoft excel tidak hanya sebagai aplikasi kantor biasa yang hanya bisa mengolah data angka. Akan tetapi juga bisa untuk membuat sebuah aplikasi dengan bantuan Visual Basic fot Aplication (VBA).

Thanks for Support Me Buy me a cup of coffee. Paypal: Update V.1.4 - 26 November 2016 • Change to serverside datatables using ignited datatables V.1.3.1 - 05 April 2016 • Put view files into folder V.1.3 - 09 December 2015 • Zero Config for database connection • Fix bug searching • Fix field name label • Add select table from database • Add generate all table • Select target folder from setting menu • Remove support for Codeigniter 2 V.1.2 - 25 June 2015 • Add custom target folder • Add export to excel • Add export to word V.1.1 - 21 May 2015 • Add custom controller name and custom model name • Add client side datatables Copyright 2015.

' Declare an object variable to hold the object ' reference. Dim as Object causes late binding.

Dim ExcelSheet As Object Set ExcelSheet = CreateObject('Excel.Sheet') ' Make Excel visible through the Application object. ExcelSheet.Application.Visible = True ' Place some text in the first cell of the sheet. ExcelSheet.Application.Cells(1, 1).Value = 'This is column A, row 1' ' Save the sheet to C: test.xls directory. ExcelSheet.SaveAs 'C: TEST.XLS' ' Close Excel with the Quit method on the Application object. ExcelSheet.Application.Quit ' Release the object variable. Set ExcelSheet = Nothing Dim xlApp As Excel.Application Dim xlBook As Excel.Workbook Dim xlSheet As Excel.WorkSheet Set xlApp = CreateObject('Excel.Application') Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add Set xlSheet = xlBook.Worksheets(1).