Hkeylocalmachine Software Clients Mail Default Program Editor


May 3rd, 2017 Sometimes, it may happen with the users that they are trying to send email using other application but the application does not identify Microsoft Outlook as a default email application. It has become the common problem for the Microsoft Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013, or users. Therefore, users are searching for a solution for the same and make MS Outlook as a default email application on their local workstation. Outlook is not recognized as the default email client is the kind of problem encounter by almost every Outlook users.

Jan 26, 2018 - In order to find out what the default email client is, I found the same information over and over again: Look at the default string in HKLM. In Registry Editor, locate the following subkey in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Clients Mail Microsoft Outlook. Select the subkey, and then press DELETE. Quit Registry Editor. Start Outlook. For Outlook 2000 and Outlook 2002, click the Help menu, and then click Detect and Repair.

Hence, in this, a complete procedure to handle this problem without any expert help is discussed. Manual Trick to Check Outlook Is Set As Default Client Before directly jumping to the solution, it is always advised to first confirm whether Outlook has been set as default email application or not. To do the same, follow the steps given below: 1. To Start, go to Control Panel 2.

After that, choose Default Programs from the list of options 3. Then, click on Set your Default programs option 4. Now, choose MS Outlook (desktop) from the drop-down menu 5. After that click on Set this program as default option If MS Outlook is set as default email client already, then there must be some other cause behind this Outlook is not recognized as the default email client error. Causes of Outlook is Not Recognized as the Default Email Client Error There can be various possible reasons behind it. Some of the main causes are discussed below with the respective solutions.

Reason 1: It can be possible that Outlook is of 64-bit and all other applications are of 32-bit then, there are chances that other applications not recognizing Outlook as default mail client. Resolution: There is no use of using 64-bit Office unless the user is having the extremely large database let say 4 GB for an application like MS Excel & MS Access. If you are a normal user, then also there 64-bit Office will be of no use. Moreover, a user is also not allowed to use 32-bit and 64-bit Office together in an application. Flashing software for nokia phones free.

Either use 64-bit Office or 32-bit office completely. If a user is having the 64-bit Office, verify the registry editor for this. If it is not available, generate it. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Wow6432Node Microsoft Office 15.0 Outlook String: Bitness Value: x64 Reason 2: It can be possible that users might be using Home and Business 2010 Click to Run suite.

This C2R suite is basically installed in a virtual hard drive that makes Outlook hidden from other applications. Resolution: First, keep in mind that this only happens in the case of Outlook 2010.

If this is the case, one should uninstall Outlook 2010 Home & Business Client to Run Suite. Then, it is advised to install MSI. As you are done with it, download the traditional Office suite and it is easily recognized by all other applications. Or one can try an alternate solution i.e. Make modifications in the registry.

Moreover, it is done by the users at its own risk by putting Outlook in an unsupported mode. To make changes in the registry, follow the steps mentioned below: 1. First of all, click on start button 2. Then, in the search field type Regedit and hit Enter 3. Now, in the registry editor, navigate the following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Clients Mail 4. Next, you need to right-click on the Mail key and choose Export option to export backup copy 5.

After that, save the copy for backup at any location of your choice 6. Then, right-click on the Mail folder and click on New >> Key option 7. Now, you can create a new folder having Outlook64Bridge as a name 8. In the Outlook64Bridge folder, make a folder with name DLLPath. Command and conquer red alert retaliation psp iso download torrent.

And in the DLLpath, make a folder with DLLPathEx name 9. Next, you need to look for the MAPI32.dll file with 32-bit version on the machine and enter the full path in both the DLLPath folders HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Clients Mail Outlook64Bridge DLLPathEx “C: WINDOWS x86_microsoft-windows- mapi_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.701.114_none_ad54801c830 mapi32.dll” 10. Now, you can easily make Outlook64Bridge as the default email application Reason 3: Another possible reason of Outlook is not recognized as the default email client is that a user has installed the application after installing Office. Resolution: To tackle this problem it is suggested to repair the Office installation. To begin repairing process follow the steps mentioned below: • First of all, go to the Control Panel and choose Program and Features option • After that, look for Office installation • Then, click on Change option and select the Repair option.