Programmu Virtualjnaya Dram Mashina Steinberg B Box

Dana Vrajitoru  I310 Homework 3 Homework 3 Due Date: Tuesday, September 13, 2016. This homework focuses on vector images created with Adobe Illustrator which is part of the Creative Suite 6. Both the homework and lab are individual.

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They can also be completed with Inkscape () if you don't have Illustrator. Complete and make sure that you have three files resulting from it: in ai, svg, and png formats. Vector-style art Open Adobe Illustrator and create a new landscape document and make sure you are in a Painting workspace. Save it as We will try to reproduce the following image: From the browser save this image in your working directory.

Go back to your Illustrator window and from the File menu, open this file. You should be able to see both tabs at the top.

Using the Selection tool, click on the apple image (the rectangle should be selected) and copy it. Go back to the hw3 file and paste it. It should now appear as a bitmap in your window.

You can zoom on it a little, but make sure you still see the whole apple. Next, we'll create a curve outlining the apple.


In the left side toolbar, choose the Pen Tool (just under the Lasso). Click somewhere at the top or the apple on the border to add one point. Then click on a second point nearby to add a second point connected by a line segment. Continue this way in reasonably small increments until you come around on the other side.

For the last point you should click again on the starting point to close the curve. Make sure that the entire path is selected, then click on the Direct Selection tool. You should see all the anchor points selected. Holding the shift, click on one of them to deselect it.

Programmu virtualjnaya dram mashina steinberg b box 2

Now all the others should be selected. The top toolbar should now display Anchor Point. Click on the second button next to Convert to turn all these anchor points into smooth points. Then click on the one that has been deselected before (only this one should be selected now) and make it smooth too. If not, you click on individual anchor points and make them smooth one by one, or click on each of them holding the shift, and make them smooth in one action.

If you find a faster way, let me know. The goal is to have all the points in your curve smooth. You can more around individual points to adjust them better to the shape of the apple. Switch to the selection pointer again and make sure your closed curve object is selected.

In the vertical toolbar next to Color, use the Appearance button and the Gradient button to make the stroke transparent. In the Fill tab choose a linear gradient (like the black and white), the Gradient tool. Give the gradient an angle of -90 degrees and then double-click on the two color tabs to change the colors. Obrazec pisjma chto deyateljnostj ne licenziruetsya.

Choose the color at the bottom to be a very dark red, similar to the darkest part of the apple, then switch the second one (that goes on top) to a lighter red. Make sure both colors are completely opaque.