Starshine Legacy Game Download

Welcome to Starshine Legacy! When you start the game, you begin on the menu screen. You can choose to start a new game or load a previously saved game, as well as select game options. Once in the game, click the ‘Esc’ button to exit to the main menu. The game controls use the W, A, S, D keys on your keyboard to move the character. Download Starshine Legacy 4 Free Download - best software for Windows. Starshine: StarShine is a clever little puzzle game in which the player must choose.

Starshine Legacy Episode 1: Mystery of the Soulriders. Starshine Legacy: Mystery of the Soul Riders, also known as Starshine Legacy: Episode 1, is the first game in the series. Is the main character with her horse. The game was released within the book club PennyGirl and was produced by Stabenfeldt and Hidden Entertainment. It got available to buy in stores a few years later. Spoiler warning! This article contains details about a questline.!NOTE!

This game is separate from. It has to be bought for you to be able to play it, and it can not be downloaded. Contents [] Plot Prolouge There are times in life when something happens and you have to make a choice, and this choice will change your path in life forever. You create your own destiny, but sometimes, just sometimes destiny chooses you. Level 1 - First day of School Golden Stars: 3 Because her dad got a new job had to move to the small town by the sea called and now it's her first day of school. Her first mission is to find the school janitor so she can get her schedule, but has trouble doing so.

While she's looking around in the entrance hall, a man called appears and frightens her, since he seems to know very personal information about her. When he leaves a girl named up and agrees to help her but only if Lisa gives Anne's cell number to a boy. When she has the janitor within reach she is stopped by Mrs Graham who won't let her pass her without schoolbooks in her hands. Sends her to, whom has lost her locker keys, so Lisa goes to for help and she breaks into Linda's locker. Out of the locker a cellphone falls that, according to Alex, belongs to a girl named, the same girl that Lisa saw talking with the janitor. With schoolbooks and cellphone in hand Lisa manages to sneak past Mrs Graham and hears Sabine scold the janitor. Lisa proceeds to give Sabine her phone back and the girl leaves in anger dropping a pair of keys in the process, Linda's keys.

Lisa then follows the janitor back to his office and receives her schedule. Level 2 - Jorvik Stables Golden Stars: 3 Lisa arrives at the to return Lindas books and keys, even though she is afraid of horses since an accident several years ago and isn't very happy to be back in a stable. There she finds Anne and her horse, Alex how is working on one of the machines and helping. Outside the stable doors she finds Herman and Sabine arguing, she wants everyone to know that her horse, Khaan, is the best and fastest in the surrounding area.

Herman welcomes Lisa to the stable, but hastily also declares that he unfortunately cannot offer her a place at the riding school, since it's full. Lisa continues on into the stable and meets the horse, who has been sick for a while, and a veterinary.

When the veterinary leaves Lisa takes a closer look on the horse and in the process starts to hear a voice. At first she think it's an illusion but when the voice answers she realizes it's Starshine, who says that her presens makes him stonger. Linda shows up, and helps Lisa talk to Herman to give her and the horse a chance to show what they're made of. Just a few minutes later, Lisa is to ride Starshine.

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A small audience gathers around the paddock, consisting of Herman, Linda, Anne, Alex, Josh, Sabine and even Mr. Sands, who showed up out of nowhere. Lisa rides around for a bit and Herman sends her down to, and lets her jump a few obstacles, which she does very well. She is told to dismount Starshine, but her feets has just touched the ground before Starshine rears and falls down on the ground, sick and tired.

They all manage to get Starshine inside of the stable. Herman tells Lisa that he believes she has some sort of magical gift that makes her communicate with Starshine, and encourages her to try to help the horse. Lisa manages to send out a healing force to Starshine, but when Mr.

Starshine legacy game download

Sands comes closer, Starshine immediately gets worse again. Sands offers to buy Starshine, but Herman refuses. Lisa's cell phone rings, and it's Linda calling, asking Lisa to get back to the school as fast as she can. Level 3 - The Library Golden Stars: 3 It's almost dawn and Lisa is back in the school. The caretaker is patrolling the corridors with a flashlight, and Lisa has to sneak past him.

Lisa manages to find her way to the library, where she finds Linda. Linda says she has found something really interesting, but she needs a few more books to complete her research, and she happens to know that just the books she needs are lying around in the corridors. Lisa runs out to find the books, without being caught by the caretaker, and returns to Linda. Linda then shows what she has found - several newspaper articles, some over a hundred years old, regarding the company, and in every article the mysterious Mr. Sands seems to show up, with a different name. She has also found an article about a horse called Little Starshine and how he saved the lives of four girls. Suddenly Lisa's cell phone rings again - It's Anne, who tells her to immediately come to the stable, since something very bad has happened.